Chocolate crepes

A crepe is the French version of an American pancake. The batter is very similar, albeit much runnier. The amount of batter poured into the pan is also much less so that you get a much thinner cake.


6 large eggs

5 Tbsp sugar

1 Tsp vanilla extract

2 cups milk

2 cups all purpose flour

2 Tbsp cocoa powder

4 Tbsp unsalted butter ( melted )

50 gram oil

100 gram water

Pinch of salt


I used my blender to blend all ingredients together in the order I listed above.

Mix flour and cocoa together before sipping into the batter.

Warm your skillet over medium-low heat. Scoop approximately 2-3 Tbsp of batter into the pan( depends on a pan size) and tilt the pan from side to side in a circular motion to spread out the batter. Let the crepe cook for approximately 15-20 seconds before flipping. Use a spatula or a sharp edge to carefully nudge the edges of the crepe and flip over. You can use your hands too. Cook the other side for another 10 seconds or so.

Enjoy it warm.

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6 Responses

  1. Yana says:

    So yummy!!

  2. Yana says:

    Nice recipe. I will give it a go tomorrow.
    How many crepes come out from this amount of ingredients?
    I will be using the same electric crepe pan that you have.

    • Yana, I’m afraid that they might be too thin if you will use an electric crepe maker, I’ve never done chocolate ones in electric maker before, but you should definitely give it a try. I bet you will get a lot more crepes than we expect from when you make them in a pan. Just double the portion of the cream and you will get big portion of rolls:). The reason I make crepes thicker is because the cream might be too heavy for the thin crepe and the crepe might get ripped.

    • Mariya says:

      I tried these with the electric crepe maker and they turned out perfect! I dipped them in for about 8-10 seconds instead of the 2-3 for thin crepes. A lot more batter sticks on and they come out thicker. They just bake a little longer.

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